April 28, 2007
Hello, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. I have a couple of annoncements. We have compiled a list of FAQ that we have been getting and answered them. We hope everyone, especially new visitors read them before emailing us. It’s frustrating because our disclaimer says we have no contacts with Went and yet people still want his email address. Read the disclaimer.Second, starting next month (few days away) we are going to have a new feature call “Fan Of The Month”.What we will do is pick someone and ask a few questions about themselve and Went. It’s simply a way for everyone to get to know a bit about Went fans around the world. We will keep an achieve of it. If you get selected, you can choose to send in an appropriate picture of yourself to add it to it if not then we will use a Went one. We are really excited about this. If there is something you want to see here then free feel to email us. We are open for suggestions.Now to the update.I have uploaded CosmoMen May 2007-Korean version that pilyuki sent us. They are huge and sixteen of them.Click HERE to check them out. Thank you so much. You are a star. We have more to come including a page from Ok! Magazine that I picked up while at the mall. Wentworth was also mentioned as PEOPLE’s Most Beautiful in ‘07. Check back later today or Sunday.
April 24, 2007
Wentworth recently had a spread in the Korean magazine Ceci so check out the gallery! High Quality Pictures Edit: Ok we have gotten in a big email from pilyuki. She’s Wentworth’s Korean fan. Well this wonderful person sent in wonderful spreads of Went in various Korean magazines like:Ceci Magazine May 2007Bean Pole Jeans BrochureEcole May 2007Cosmopolitan May 2007Esquire May 2007So be on the lookout for those, Lydi is currently working on getting them up, since I can’t resize images.
April 20, 2007
{nl}Hi everyone! It’s been awhile, eh? I’m happy to say that as of today I’M FREEE! I have four months with no school. Bwhaha! Anyway, I have uploaded a bunch of scans mostly by donations. All you Canucks if you didn’t know Went is on the cover of BOBBi Spring07 issue. I have scaned them but it’s worth owning it just because he looks so mezmerizing. Thanks to Bernise, Cecilia, Aran and Cathy for the rest of the scans.Today is Qua’s birthday so it would be nice if you can wish her happy birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Q! LOVE YA BABE!
April 16, 2007
{nl} I have been getting emails regarding Wentworth and his “new lady” I just want to say that I DO NOT know if it is his girlfriend or not. All I can say right now is that it is a RUMOR that they are together but nothing has been made official and wont be until Wentworth himself says so. You can follow up on this at JustJared.com. I have also added a few pictures of Wentworth modeling for Bean Pole Jeans. If anyone has anymore pics to send us please email us! I just love how he looks in these pictures. More updates coming soon.
April 12, 2007
{nl} Hey guys! Just want to let everyone know that the SONA clips and caps are up! I know it took longer than expected but my old computer died on me and I had to get a new one. Also I got brand new layouts up at both the video and gallery archives so go check them out and let me know what you think! Leslie over at Twisted-Serene Designs made the gallery layout and Ashley over at EmilyHarperFan.com made the video banner. Also if you want to affiliate with us (we have to start all over since we lost all of our affiliates) please go over to our affiliates page and apply.