January 2, 2007
Two Photo shoots
Hello my fellow Wentworth fans. I hope 2007 is off to a great start for you all. I’m sad to say but mine isn’t. My beautiful new phone just broke yesterday and I just found out that the extended warranty I paid won’t cover it. If you are thinking of getting those razar phones, don’t. They break so easily. Anyway, enough about that.This is the first update for the new year and it’s a good one. I have loaded two breathtaking photo shoots of the beautiful. To view the albums, click on these links: ONE and TWO. Thanks Stephanie for getting them for me. An article from Inquirer mentions Went. Here is what the writer said.HOLLYWOOD is overflowing with talented, gorgeous people. While some get lucky and become superstars overnight, many others take a longer route before achieving top-tier status.The following celebrities made waves in 2006, and with their good looks, undeniable talent, passion and X factor, they are sure to come on even stronger this year!Wentworth MillerIf he plays his cards right, Wentworth (what a name!) will be the next Keanu Reeves or Ben Affleck. With his immense success and large fan base via “Prison Break,” Wentworth’s next logical step should be a successful movie career, and pronto!Article SOURCEMills did you hear that? We want you to pick good projects but hurry man.
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